I think what will probably happen is much like fluorination of our water , in years to come tap water will contain essential supplements. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-47358333
Achilles Tendinopathy Achiles injury can be divided into three phases 1. Reactive- due to rapid increased loading, mileage,or trauma. 2.Dysrepair- follows the reactive stage if the tendon is still loaded. What will happen is a breakdown in the tendon matrix....
Oh the melancholy of Autumn. The evening light is starting to disappear and Thursday night tennis is getting shorter and shorter. It won’t be long before I come home in the dark. The natural consequence of this seasonal change is a great reduction in the...
I have lost count of the number of times a patient has asked me “What’s that ? Is that muscle?” as I’ve palpated and located an especially tight or shortened area in a gluteal or piriformis muscle. “This is your engine room” I rell...
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