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The Guardian March 21/3/18 So simply put, stop relying on other magic bullets, panaceas , drugs etc… and then get up off your backside and get stronger,...
Achilles Tendinopathy

Achilles Tendinopathy

Achilles Tendonitis or Tendinopathy What was once called Achilles tendonitis (now Tendinopathy) is a common injury typically occurring in runners or other athletes. Usually presenting with pain locally around the tendon or heel, it is typically worse when standing ....
The Cheltenham Back Pain Clinic

The Cheltenham Back Pain Clinic

The Cheltenham Back Pain Clinic. This was the name I decided on putting in the A frame road side outside Cameron-Mitchell Osteopaths new home on St.Margaret’s Terrace. Does what it says on the tin as the old advert goes. It seems pretty clear that if you have a...
Pinched Nerves

Pinched Nerves

Trapped Nerves How many times have you heard somebody say that they have a pinched nerve in their back or a trapped nerve giving them pain in their neck? The language and imagery of pinching somebody or trapping fingers ina door certainly creates a strong sense of...